College Management System Project The Study on Estimate of College Information Management System The Information System literature strongly suggests that planning for distributed information systems should be centralized. The planning activity should be a top down...
Online Shopping E-Commerce Android App Project Online Shopping Satisfaction in Malaysia: A Framework for Security, Trust and Cybercrime Customer satisfaction plays very important role in online shopping. There is always a drought on what actually drives the customer...
Online Tollgate Payment Android App Design of an Integrated Speed Tracking and Toll Management System for Express Highways This paper is about the more sensitive and innovative way of maintaining the traffic speed standards along with impartial toll distribution for...
Women Safety And Security App SMART SHOE FOR WOMEN SAFETY The world needs to be concerned about the women around and treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Despite having so many laws for women, it doesn’t stop thieves, assaulters or molesters to abuse women....
Exam Hall Ticket Management System Simulation of Ticket Hall Queuing behavior in Transit Station Based on Cellular Automate Model Cellular Automata (CA) model is extensively applied to pedestrian evacuation simulation in emergency, but little research is about...
Hospital Management System Project Management of Medical Technology – Case Study of a Major Acute Hospital This paper presents results of a Capital Equipment Management Plan undertaken at a major acute hospital in Australia. By classifying existing equipment...