Our system consists of three main components: preprocessing, feature extraction with classifier and display result module as shown in Fig 2. In the first step, we collect the web pages for preprocessing. In the second step, the preprocessing will segment the web pages...
Two important factors which indirectly influence the Internet shoppers to make some online purchases are the visual layout and the presentation of web page. In this paper, we propose an approach of web page layout analysis in order to assess the design of e-commerce...
Web usage mining is an application of data mining technology to mining the data ofthe web server log file. It can discover the browsing patterns ofuser and some kind ofcorrelations between the web pages. Web usage mining provides the support for the web site design,...
Nowadays, websites are not only be accessed by computers with a large screen. They were mostly accessed via mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones that relatively have smaller screen size. Almost every website has their different style and visual appearance...
The UCD approach focuses on systems development being driven by the user’s requirements instead of technical requirements. Design should depend on measures of how well the product has been used by highlighting user’s interaction and by making use of an iterative...
User experience (UX) is a current approach to human-computer interaction (HCI). With a conceptual change from usability to UX, HCI professionals encounter new challenges in handling this evolution in interaction design. In recent times, researchers have focused on...