A. Analysis and Design of the System The workflow of the system is that the system reads students’ names one by one and reminds a teacher to input scores of a student firstly, and the teacher reads all scores of a student secondly, and the system recognizes speech text fro m the teacher’s speech thirdly, and the system separates scores from speech text and stores scores in database finally. The functional structure of the system is shown in Fig.2. It shows that the architecture includes four modules of a voice prompt module, a voice recognition module, a score separation module, a score storage module. A voice prompt module has two functions. One function is to read a student’s name and prompt a teacher to input all scores of the student, and the other is to read names and scores of all students and help the teacher check if the information is correct. The function of the voice recognition module is to receive a teacher’s speech, and use speech recognition technology to get a text of the speech. The function of the score separation module is to separate all scores of a student from the text. The function of the score storage module is to store all scores in database.

Code Shoppy It shows that the architecture consists of PC computer and Android phone. The score separation module and the score storage module are built in the PC co mputer , and SL4A component and the voice prompt module and the voice recognition module are built in Android phone. PC computer and Android phone are connected via network. PC co mputer calls the TTS interface of SL4A co mponent over a network and transmits speech data such as a student’s name to the SL4A TTS interface, and SL4A co mponent passes speech data to the voice prompt module, and the module speaks out name of the student. PC co mputer calls the ASR interface of SL4A co mponent over a network, and SL4A co mponent calls the voice prompt module to receive a teacher’s speech, and the voice prompt module recognizes text of speech and return it to PC co mputer. A teacher’s speech should contain integers, because integers are scores. The score separation module separates all integers of text of speech. The order of integers is the same as the order of scores of a student. The score storage module writes integers into database in the order of scores of a student.

This paper uses a Excel file as a database to store scores, because you can quickly check if scores fall within the range of 0 to 100 u s in g the Excel’s b u ilt -in d ata v alid atio n fu n ctio n , and can quickly ca lculate total score using the Excel automatic computing function, and can see an intuitive statistical graph using the Excel statistics function. Cells of the first row of Excel table are fie ld na mes. The first cell of the first row is a primary key field. The other cells of the first row are custom fields on score. The other rows are data rows. An application can define name as a prima ry key and define peacetime score ,final score and total score as custom fields. Table I shows the structure of Excel table . The cell named A1 is a primary key field. The cells named B1,C1,…,Z1 are customfields on score.