Development of Smartphone-based Student Attendance System
Abstract— Student’s attendance tracking is a vital issue in order to monitor students’ performance in the classroom as well as in their studies. It becomes a key concern because the university authority maintains a rule that one student can only attend in the exam if his/her attendance is higher or equal to several percentages (60%,70% or 80% etc.) otherwise not. The traditional attendance system needs student’s to physically sign the attendance sheet each time for the attendance of each class. This is unnecessarily time-consuming to notice and mark student’s name on the attendance sheet. This also happens that some students may accidentally or willingly mark the student’s name like as proxy. The hard copy of attendance sheet may get lost. Using Smartphone like as Android Technology the course teacher will be able to take attendance easily by our designed mobile application and save the attendance in the phone as well as in server and can check percentage and also can print as hard copy. Using the stored information, this system is able to mark attendance, marking intruders’ entry, attendance percentage calculations, send emails, and send SMS to the guardian to keep them updated about their child’s attendance at the Institute. The designed system has an online access from any place and any moment which may extraordinarily assist the course teacher with keeping track of their student’s attendance.
Keywords- Mobile Application, Web Server, Student’s Attendance, Smartphone, SQLite Database, MySQL Database.
Student attendance administration is a critical content of the administration of school/college/university students [1].The traditional scenario of tracking student attendance in the classroom is done by obligating the students to physically mark the attendance sheet that goes around the classroom while a course teacher is delivering the speech. For example, a course teacher with an extensive class may notice the bother of having the attendance sheet being passed around the class and the physical marking of attendance by students are oppressive and no doubt occupy them from instructing and getting complete consideration from the students [2]. The main focus of this paper is to introduce the application of Smartphone in attendance system. Nowadays Smartphone is very common to all the teachers so that they can easily take attendance and process the attendance where it needs. The main benefits of this system is that the teacher can get computed percentage, can print hard copy with details attendance information, can save data in phone database as well as save data to remote server database which ensures that the information will never lose, can use the data where it needs. Fig. 1 shows the proposed solution of student attendance system where a course teacher takes attendance via Smartphone and then the Smartphone application process the data and also teacher can save the data in the web server as well as phone server. The remaining part of this paper is systematized as follows. Section II shows the literature review associated with this field. Section III compares among three technologies, Smartphone, radio frequency identification (RFID) and BAR code system. Section IV implies high level system design. Section V represents the features of the application that will motivate to use the application. Section VI presents the technical implementation procedure. Section VII shows the system testing procedure which makes the system error free. At last, section VIII finishes up the paper. II.LITERARURE REVIEWIn order to enhance attendance tracking framework, scholars chipped away at the change from the alternate point of view. Zhang et al. [3] is with the assessment that attendance administration is overlooked by current instructive organization administration framework, concentrating just on record administration, training design, course administration, and so on thus they established attendance administration framework utilizing VisualStudio.NET and Oracle. Mohamed et al. [4] outlined a unique finger impression gadget that is utilized as a part of unique finger impression attendance framework.