IoT Based Garbage Management (Monitor and Acknowledgment) System.

Abstract— Solid waste management is one of the primary problems that India faces irrespective of the case of developed or under development states. It is seen that most of the garbage’s across the roadside are overloaded because the waste is not collected periodically. It creates unhygienic condition for the people and creates bad odor around the surroundings. This leads in spreading some deadly diseases and human illness. Most of the time wet and dry wastes are not separately collected so that proper processing like composting, recycling, incineration cannot be applied to different kinds of waste. This paper reviews system for garbage management and proposes a system which will take care of proper processing of garbage .The reviewed systems use ultrasonic sensor, infrared sensor [2][7] for detecting the level of waste, Arduino UNO [6], microcontroller[3][11], Raspberry Pi2[7] as controlling boards. The proposed system uses ultrasonic sensors (as they are precise and have large range) to sense the level of garbage in the bin, flame sensor to detect the fire and moisture sensor to separate out wet and dry garbage. By using global system for mobile (GSM) the concerned persons (driver of garbage collecting vehicle as well as concerned authority) shall be informed through SMS. The officials shall monitor the status ofwaste bins through web page. As huge data is to be transmitted and processed fastRaspberry Pi3 is preferred as controlling board.

Keywords—Internet of Things, Garbage Management, Dry Garbage, Wet Garbage.


The environment should be clean and hygienic for better life leads in India. In the present scenario, many times it is seen that the garbage bins or dust bin are placed at public places in the cities are overflowing due to increase in the waste every day. These overflowed garbage bins can create an obnoxious smell and make an unhygienic environment. This leads to the rapid growth of bacteria and viruses which can cause different types of diseases. The proposed system shall overcome such problems by alerting the status of garbage bins as well as helps to keep dry and wet garbage separately so that different processes-composting, recycling, incineration shall be applied to different kinds ofgarbage. By intimating the notification of garbage filled, the number of trips of the garbage collecting vehicle shall be also reduced.