The establishment of enterprise website is originally intended to rapidly occupy and extend the market and provide the customers with products, information and services better and faster by utilizing the advance information techniques and methods [6]. But the aim will...

The approach of Web Service-based collaborative product design

Overview of the architecture The architecture of a Web Service and ULA based collaborative product design environment is shown in Fig.1. In the framework, the web-based technology is used to provide the remote communication with the user clients, while ULA is adopted...

Learning E-commerce Web Design Engineering

A. Objectives This study is in the e-commerce domain. Dimensions of ecommerce are wide-ranging, from transaction processing systems, supply chain management systems, enterprise resource planning systems, customer relationship management systems, knowledge management...

Responsive Web Design According to the Resolution

When smart phones are now commonly distributed, the web accessibility through a mobile has invigorated. Not just because of smart phones, but because so many devices with various resolutions are available in the market, information cannot be correctly displayed on the...

A Web Browser Responsive to the User Interest Level

In this paper we present the design of a web browser that is responsive to the user’s interest level. The user’s interest level is measured via a wearable Neurosky EEG sensor that gives a value of the user’s attention level in real time. The current...

A Case Study of Web Site Design Course

This paper analysis a course “Web Sit Design”. In class a real web site of e-commerce as a model used through all course. Students learn to set the web sit step by step follow the model. Finally they would set a web sit by themselves. The model web sit just like a...