Secured Smart Voting System using

Secured Smart Voting System using process which is prone to fraud and has manydisadvantages. India is losing the actual meaning of Democracyas the percentage of voting is decreasing drastically day by day.In order to overcome this problem there is a need to providean...

vaccine delivery with vehicle breakdown

vaccine delivery with vehicle breakdown This paper focuses on the evaluation method for the reliability of vehicle routing schemes in the vaccine delivery with vehicle breakdown. The vehicle routing problem in the vaccine delivery with vehicle breakdown can be...

Vehicle Routing Schemes in the Vaccine Delivery with Vehicle

A Simulation-Based Method for Evaluating the Reliability of Vehicle Routing Schemes in the Vaccine Delivery with Vehicle Abstract: This paper introduces the vehicle routing problem of the vaccine delivery with vehicle breakdowns. In the delivery process of vaccines, a...

A Robust and secure authentication mechanism inonline

A Robust and secure authentication mechanism inonline Abstract—Online banking is on the up each day witha persistent rise in the number of people using this novelservice to carry out their financial transactions. This amplifiedinterest in the use of online banking has...

ebanking App to Manage Account And Transfer

ebanking App to Manage Account And Transfer III.PROPOSED WAY OF BANK TRANSFORMATION It is proposed here that the process of bank transformation from classical retail to digital bank be performed using two phases or periods. The first phase should be one hybrid period....

Faciliting Examination Process Via Exam Monitoring System

Faciliting Examination Process Via Exam Monitoring System Character recognition is a theme of exhaustive analysis for an extended time period. Whereas the printed text recognition is considered mostly as a solved problem today, handwritten text recognition remains a...

Digitized Exam Paper Evaluation

Digitized Exam Paper Evaluation Abstract: At the present time evaluating an exam papers and declaring end result in a restricted period of time is a difficult task for educational schools, colleges, institutions, departments and Universities. Thus manual exam paper...

Virtualization Methods for Securing Online Exam

Virtualization Methods for Securing Online Exam Abstract-The advancement of technology brings various changes to numerous fields, including education. Online exam usages are increasing, since it brings several benefits, including the possibility of automated grading....