Women Safety And Security App SMART SHOE FOR WOMEN SAFETY The world needs to be concerned about the women around and treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Despite having so many laws for women, it doesn’t stop thieves, assaulters or molesters to abuse women....

Internet Of Things Based Garbage Monitoring System

Garbage Management System Project Internet Of Things Based Garbage Monitoring System n this project the garbage bins are set in the urban areas of a city and a closed circuit camera is set on the bin location. The camera captures the images for garbage bins...

Appearance Based Methods in Vehicle detection

On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Finder Project Appearance Based Methods in Vehicle detection Motion Based Models: Motion based methods extract moving vehicles based on motion from background. Motion based methods includes Temporal frame differencing and Back...

Function-call Network in Android Operating System

Function-call Network in Android Operating System Operating systems are critical infrastructures for the information systems. Malfunction of certain function component can induce unexpected risks and countless damage for the computing service based on the operating...

Travel Management System using Android

Travel Management System using Android The increasing popularity of smart phones and hand held devices has led to an increase in the time consumers spend on online search. According to a recent research by Google India “Mobile phones are becoming a key...

Geo Tagging on Android Platform

Geo Tagging on Android Platform COMPARISION WITH EXISTING WORK The gps and geo tagging based application TravelNow permits users to get tour guidance information they need anytime and anywhere. It allows the users to know their current position using gps technique and...